Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Owls, a Tree, and a Bear

Alright, last night, Hannah and Glory and I all had a sleepover together. Rebekah wasn't there because she had percussion in the morning. ='( But anyway, during the sleepover, from about 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM we made stuffed animals. Glory and I both made owls and Hannah made a tree. Here's a picture of my owl:

 And this is Glory's adorable owl:
 And Here's Hannah's lovely tree:
 It was tons of fun! But quite the mess to clean up the next morning. =P

Also, I don't think I ever blogged about moon bear! Here's a picture of him. I made him a while back, also with the gang. We all made teddy bears last time, so this time we wanted to do something different. =)

His nose is kinda crooked...

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