Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Trip to Nanny's

We went to my Nanny's house this week. It was really fun! =) It was good to see Nanny and uncle Chris and Aunt Cammie and Ben. Here's a picture of Glory, Freedom, Ben, Nanny and I.

Glory and I collected some stuff we found around the place and used it to make stuffs. Glory made a raccoon. I made a owl, but the glue gun didn't work, so it fell apart before I could grab a pic.

 Here we are in a game room, where Freedom decided he'd rather have me in his lap than him in mine.
 Me hugging Glory in the Garden. Glory refusing my hug.
 Here's a picture of the sunset. =) It was very beautiful.

 ...And here is mom apparently taking a selfie in the mirror...

 Lots if sticker burs out there.
 My mom, Nanny, and Memaw. =)
I climbed this really cool pine tree while we were there. loads of fun, despite my fear of heights.
There I am!

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