Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dashing Duckling

ok, so my dad risked his life to save this little duck from the highway on the way to church last week. All of his little siblings got squished. ='( But dad was able to save this one. When he got back into the car, the little goof jumped out of his hands into mom's lap and then crawled up under the pedals and into the dashboard. We parked in a nearby parking lot where we struggled to get him out, but all attempts only pushed him up farther. We decided to drive home with him up in there. We made it home without him jumping onto mother's feet while she was driving. when we arrived, we opened the doors and did a steak out. Freedom tried calling the duckling out with his duck call, but it was a mating call and did nothing. after a while though he did come out, and we were able to catch him again. we've had him in a bin in my room for a week now. We don't know what to do with him. We named him dash because he crawled up into the dashboard, and because when we first got him he would run away from us and he was stinkin' fast!!! Here's some pictures of him. ADORBS right?

He thinks that we're his mother now. He follows us everywhere. Can you believe it? What do we do with him?

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