Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Trip to Nanny's

We went to my Nanny's house this week. It was really fun! =) It was good to see Nanny and uncle Chris and Aunt Cammie and Ben. Here's a picture of Glory, Freedom, Ben, Nanny and I.

Glory and I collected some stuff we found around the place and used it to make stuffs. Glory made a raccoon. I made a owl, but the glue gun didn't work, so it fell apart before I could grab a pic.

 Here we are in a game room, where Freedom decided he'd rather have me in his lap than him in mine.
 Me hugging Glory in the Garden. Glory refusing my hug.
 Here's a picture of the sunset. =) It was very beautiful.

 ...And here is mom apparently taking a selfie in the mirror...

 Lots if sticker burs out there.
 My mom, Nanny, and Memaw. =)
I climbed this really cool pine tree while we were there. loads of fun, despite my fear of heights.
There I am!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dashing Duck Moves On

Well, the title says it all. Dash the dashing duckling has started his new life at the wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center. We had him for two short weeks, and he grew so much during that short time. He's been gone for only a day but I already miss him. ='( Little Bub, you will forever be in our hearts, and we wish you great luck in your new life. Here's a couple videos of his last day at home.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Owls, a Tree, and a Bear

Alright, last night, Hannah and Glory and I all had a sleepover together. Rebekah wasn't there because she had percussion in the morning. ='( But anyway, during the sleepover, from about 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM we made stuffed animals. Glory and I both made owls and Hannah made a tree. Here's a picture of my owl:

 And this is Glory's adorable owl:
 And Here's Hannah's lovely tree:
 It was tons of fun! But quite the mess to clean up the next morning. =P

Also, I don't think I ever blogged about moon bear! Here's a picture of him. I made him a while back, also with the gang. We all made teddy bears last time, so this time we wanted to do something different. =)

His nose is kinda crooked...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sweet Swim

Davina showed me a recipe for this jello pool cake, and I figured it'd be perfect for the end of season swim party! So I recruited Glory and Taylor and together (with the occasional help of mom) we created this incredible masterpiece. We are very proud.

savoury silverfish

Pulled out a big glass bowl to make jello in today and found this little delectable treat inside. A silverfish. Lovely.

I can't kill stuff. The crunch of their little bodies makes me sick. Anything I kill I do it with some sort of death spray. But we didn't have anything that would work on a silverfish, so squishing it was our only option. Normally I would have Freedom do it for me, but he was at the Gonzalez's for the day. so I had Taylor do it. Thanks Taylor! Here's a video of her amazing extermination job:

Model Makeovers

I gave Rebekah a make over! It's an interesting style. I'm not sure if I hate it or like it. But she said I could post her picture on here, so, here it is!

Dashing Duckling

ok, so my dad risked his life to save this little duck from the highway on the way to church last week. All of his little siblings got squished. ='( But dad was able to save this one. When he got back into the car, the little goof jumped out of his hands into mom's lap and then crawled up under the pedals and into the dashboard. We parked in a nearby parking lot where we struggled to get him out, but all attempts only pushed him up farther. We decided to drive home with him up in there. We made it home without him jumping onto mother's feet while she was driving. when we arrived, we opened the doors and did a steak out. Freedom tried calling the duckling out with his duck call, but it was a mating call and did nothing. after a while though he did come out, and we were able to catch him again. we've had him in a bin in my room for a week now. We don't know what to do with him. We named him dash because he crawled up into the dashboard, and because when we first got him he would run away from us and he was stinkin' fast!!! Here's some pictures of him. ADORBS right?

He thinks that we're his mother now. He follows us everywhere. Can you believe it? What do we do with him?