Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Yay! Jack-O-Lantern time is here again! I loooove making Jack-O-Lanterns, (Though I don't really love writing out that entire word, so let's just go with jacks) This year, I went with a wolf, Freedom went with a fire face, And Glory went with a confused face. Here are the pictures from this year. =)
You'll notice that most of the pictures are of Freedom, since Glory rushed off to work on the rabbit hutch (Which you'll here more about later) before I could pull out the camera.

 Freedom had super fun carving his pumpkin. You can see here that he got a little... excited.

 Here he is helping out mom with her pumpkin boiling endeavors.
 Well... that's a frightening sight...

 Here's a picture of his fire face:
 And a picture of Glory's confused one:

 Here's mine and freedom's together.

 Here we all are! (Glory took a short break in order to get in on the photography)

 Mom started on all of the pumpkin delectables to be made. Below you'll see her cinnamon pumpkin juice! 
 And, of course, the ever famous pumpkin seeds!

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