Monday, October 6, 2014

Daddy Man Saves The Day Once Again!

So, we all remember the dashing duckling incident, yes? Well, daddy man strikes again after spotting a turtle in the middle of the road on the way to Oktoberfest. Screeching to a halt on the side of the road, he quickly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the Daddy Man insignia he was wearing beneath, before rushing to the scene. He dove into the traffic, with only one thought in his mind. The life of the frail Mrs. Turtle, shivering beneath the roaring fenders of oncoming cars. Snatching her up in his capable hands, he swooped her to the side of the road, and to safety. Gently, he led the poor woman to her lovely home in the river bed. But before he left, she begged him to stay so that she could get this picture of her with her lifelong hero- Daddy Man. Shortly after this picture was taken, Daddy Man shot away into the sunset, until next he was needed. Such is the heroic deeds of Daddy Man.

You can probably find a less dramatic version of this story here:

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