Sunday, May 18, 2014

Freedom's 9th Birthday Party!!!

Yesterday was Freedom's 9th birthday party! I was surprised that he only invited two kids, one of which was sick and couldn't come. But it was still very fun and exciting! For a long while, I chased the two of them around with the camera, trying to get a good picture of the birthday boy. =) Here's what I was able to catch while he brutally (And painfully) sliced me open with his foam battle ax and shot me with his new machine nerf gun:

 They used the bottom of the tampoline as their base before I descovered them and sent them running.
 Oh, please don't hit me with those!!!

 He then decided that the best way to avoid a picture was to use his battle ax as a mask. whenever I lowered the camera, he would whack me as hard as he could with it and then use it as a mask again as I attempted to take a pic.
A caught this picture as I was sliced viciously in half by his battle ax. You can just see the evil glint in his eyes.

 Finally, Glory drew the boys aside and suggested this bright idea. A disguise!!! Excuse me sir, but have you seen my brother? He's about as tall as you. He actually looks a good deal like you if it weren't for your curly nanny hair, big nose, and funky mustache....

All in all, it was a great party. Even though Freedom suddenly disappeared after a while, and we then had to hold the rest of the party for curly hair mustache man. (It was his birthday too apparently)

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