Thursday, May 22, 2014

Birdy Rescue!!!!

Ok, so, Glory and I went to the bus circle to pick up Everal and Freedom, expecting a typical pick up. Everal was already out when we got there, but Freedom was still in school. While waiting for him to get out, we noticed a little fledgling on a ledge below the nest that we knew he belonged in. He was struggling to hop back inside, but couldn't get up. Suddenly, he jumped off the ledge to the ground below! He didn't fall, but he couldn't fly yet either. It was actually really adorable cuz he just floated down!!! SO CUTE!!!! I tried to catch him, but he turned and floated away from me. Guess I'm kinda scary sometimes. Anyway, as he landed, Blondie dived towards him in an attempt to catch some dinner. That poor bird would've been goners if it weren't for Everal's quick thinking! She snatched up the leash seconds before it was too late. Blondie was inches away. Gently, I nudged the little guy onto my finger where he stood while we devised a plan to get him out of harms way. At that point, Freedom came storming past! After informing him of recent developments, we had him hold the little bird while Glory climbed on my shoulders. Freedom passed the bird to her, and she held him up to the nest, which he gladly hopped right into!!! Everal held Blondie the whole time in case he were to float down again into Blondie's vision. Here's a picture of us all acting out our parts after we got home. Blondie looks sooo guilty! We don't have any pictures of the bird, which is too bad cuz he was SUPER adorable!!! But none of us had a camera at the time.

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