Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Late Freeze Pics. =P

It froze a few weeks ago, but I couldn't get the pictures to load until now =/ Lot's of icicles on the cars!! Rebekah's back porch was an ice skating rink!!

 My Friends and I enjoyed kicking the tops of trash cans and watching the ice explode.
 This Bird bath had ice on top, but there were pockets of water inside.

My brother and my bestie =)

 It was WAY too much fun to jump on the trampoline when there was a layer of ice on it!!!!! Shards of ice going every where!! It was funnest when you first jumped on and shattered the ice. We did it on our trampoline and two of our neighbor's =)

We were actually able to peel the layer of ice off of the leaves to make little leaf sculptures!!! =)

Some one had left their hose on in the night, causing these huge icicles to appear!

Underneath and around the hose, the grass had frozen with a strange bubble of ice on it!

It was BEYOND fun!!!!!!!

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