Monday, June 30, 2014


 We got to go camping with the Paynes, the Stevens, and some other people this weekend! We went to a lake over in corpus Christi and had tons of fun! I got to jet ski for the first time ever!!! here's a picture of the lake and a cool bug we found.
 Rebekah is such a good model. =) doesn't she look tall in this picture?
 Blondie got to come along this time! isn't she sweet?
 Here's a praying mantis we found on our table.

 I got to hold it =)
 another picture of the lake.
 Here's a picture of me fishing that I didn't even know anyone took.
 Every night Rebekah, Glory, Hannah, and I all went down to the lake and caught minnows!!! We always set up a fishing pole too, but we never caught anything with that. here's one of the minnows we caught.
 We kept finding these creepy bugs in the water. (at least three of them) Rebekah was certain that they were evil and trying to get her and suck her blood. It took a lot of convincing to get her back in the water.

 Mom, Dad, Freedom, and Brandon came and joined us for a little while. =)
 Here's us kids catching minnows again. I had just caught one. =)
 Here's a picture of the biggest minnow we were able to catch. (I caught it) =)
 Some pictures of Glory fishing as the sun began to set.

 Glory catching minnows. =)
 Glory and Rebekah falling in the lake. >=)
 Rebekah laughing hysterically like a maniac.

 This is an old building on a cliff. cool huh?
 The family!!! Yay!!! =D

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