Monday, June 30, 2014

Garder Snakes!

We came home from camping to find, like, six garder snakes in our back yard. There were all different sizes, and very beautiful! I wanted to catch one, but mom wouldn't let me because she didn't want to frighten them away. She wants them to eat all the mice, and the last time I caught a snake (And it bit me) It never came back again, and she doesn't want that to happen to these snakes. But I did get pretty close, and the biggest one even slithered over my foot! I didn't get a picture of it on my foot because at that moment the camera decided it was full and couldn't take any more pictures. but here are the pictures I did take. =)


 We got to go camping with the Paynes, the Stevens, and some other people this weekend! We went to a lake over in corpus Christi and had tons of fun! I got to jet ski for the first time ever!!! here's a picture of the lake and a cool bug we found.
 Rebekah is such a good model. =) doesn't she look tall in this picture?
 Blondie got to come along this time! isn't she sweet?
 Here's a praying mantis we found on our table.

 I got to hold it =)
 another picture of the lake.
 Here's a picture of me fishing that I didn't even know anyone took.
 Every night Rebekah, Glory, Hannah, and I all went down to the lake and caught minnows!!! We always set up a fishing pole too, but we never caught anything with that. here's one of the minnows we caught.
 We kept finding these creepy bugs in the water. (at least three of them) Rebekah was certain that they were evil and trying to get her and suck her blood. It took a lot of convincing to get her back in the water.

 Mom, Dad, Freedom, and Brandon came and joined us for a little while. =)
 Here's us kids catching minnows again. I had just caught one. =)
 Here's a picture of the biggest minnow we were able to catch. (I caught it) =)
 Some pictures of Glory fishing as the sun began to set.

 Glory catching minnows. =)
 Glory and Rebekah falling in the lake. >=)
 Rebekah laughing hysterically like a maniac.

 This is an old building on a cliff. cool huh?
 The family!!! Yay!!! =D

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Playing with matches

 so yesterday We had Hannah over. She and Glory were playing minecraft upstairs (I wasn't allowed to participate because I was banned from the computer for leaving dirty dishes on my desk) and I was downstairs and decided to light a candle. Well, I love to light matches, so I used a match to light it. The candle had a lid on it, so I put the candle out by putting on the lid. Then, I had trapped the smoke inside and could open it and smoke would come out and it was really fun, so I showed Freedom and together we began to play with the matches and smoke. It was really fun! The house was starting to stink from all the matches, but no big deal. After a little while, Hannah and Glory came down and decided to join us in our game of matches. Then I put on a song that I found about how we got the fire and whatever, and we played that while we used up almost half the match box (Which had 250 matches in it by the way). Mom had since gone to take a nap, but then dad came home and told us that while what we were doin (Playing with matches) Was really stupid, we needed to atleast do it outside so we don't stink up the house anymore. So we went outside and Glory had the BRILLIANT idea of making a camp fire. We ended up making three, Because I wanted my own and their first one was a dud. They didn't have the right wood to burn. But I did! If you ever want to make a camp fire in your back yard, might I suggest using mulch as fuel!!! It works very well. So anyway, here are some pictures of our fires. We roasted marshmallows and everything!!!!!
 This was my first fire. I redid it later cuz I wanted a bigger one.

 Here's their first. They had actually gotten mulch at this point, but I guess it was too small or something.

 This is right after a fresh pile of mulch was added:
 This one is my second:

 This is Hannah Putting out their first fire.
 And here's the second! (They didn't have enough lava rocks to surround it completely)

 And this is hannah trying to melt her popsicle before I told her she was just gonna melt the plastic.
 All three fires!
 Glory =)
 Freedom =)
 Hannah =) She got burned like three times.
 Roasting marshmallows

 Fire Warden? What Fire Warden? -Hannah
 looks like the fun is over. =) time to sweep up!