Sunday, September 8, 2013

Da Ranch!!!!=D

Hiya everybody! Guess what?! I went to the Ranch with my BFFs last weekend! It was awesome!

Some lovely scenery pictures taken by my lovely mother! =)

 Me and my friends taking turns driving the ranger! =)
 Putting our hand prints in the new cement!

 Then, Papa shot a rattle snake! It was epic! This is the rattle:
 It was super gross, 'cuz he shot off The snake's head, but the body kept moving around still! Papaw put him down and he coiled up and stuff, all without a head! Talk about muscle memory! *Shudder*

 Mama braided everyone's hair! =)
 Then, we all took turns shooting da gun! Everyone was really good!

I hit the target every time, and knocked it down twice! =)

 We had some archery set up =)
 Freedom, shooting his bebe gun! =)
 Then, we had to climb a cliff ( with no rope or equipment! ) to get to this epic cave! =D

 An epic tunnel (goes very deep!)
 A lizard we saw on the cliff! =)

 Then, we went down to the river bed to search for bones! This is some of what we found:

 At first we thought that this was a skull, but then we figured out it was actually a hip bone or something like that. Something in that general area anyway! oops! =)

 Taylor found some flint! =)
 Just a random plant picture to make your day! =)
 We found some huge turkey tracks! =)

 My epic sister being awesome =)
 My father shot this watermelon to demonstrate what would happen if one got shot in the head! In this picture, Taylor and Rebekah tried to put the watermelon back together in an attempt to ruin dad's demonstration. They couldn't. <= /
 A close up of what happened to the watermelon.The bullet just grazed the top of his "head".
 Us eating the rest of the poor watermelon. It was very yummy! =D
 Then all of us kids squeezed into a two man deer blind and shared it with this one legged cricket. We didn't really see many deer since miss Glory would not shut her mouth for one second. But, at least I got a picture of the cricket! =)
 The few deer we did see:

 The next morning, there were TWO MORE rattle snakes MATING! Papa was only able to kill one. <= /

 The killer in action!
 The big boy (or girl) that he did kill:

 This thing was longer than Memaw is tall!

Anyway, it was a great weekend, even though we didn't get to see the zebra =,(  we had a great time exploring and driving around! I hope we can go again soon! I just love the ranch so much!!!!!!! =D

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